Its funny doing an introduction. At this point, I have a few faithful readers and lurkers. Many who have read a few posts dedicated about me such as
20 Facts About Me and the
10 Day Challenge I did in June and July when I started this blog. However, I am sure I will write at least one thing you did not know for sure.
How did I get the name Green Eyed Bandit? You can thank
LadyLee for the name. I have been a avid reader and stalker of her blog for years. One day she was blogging about a day we spent together and gave me the name Green Eyed Bandit. I think the name is self-explanatory. Lee hate using government names. So all of us "characters" have internet names. She has even blogged about Baby Bandit (again Lee named him). I blogged about her here under
Supportive Friends.
The "About Me" section on here says, " Like most women, I have many hats: mother, daughter, sister, friend, soror, and teacher. I believe most of us describe ourselves based on who we are to others. This may be the easiest way to describe ourselves but it does not always cover exactly who you are. For the sake of trying to give you me in a slightly different way, I am going to use the "hats" I wear to reintroduce myself and maybe add a little something at the end.
Mother: If you have you know me in the real world or have followed me for a nano-second, then you know I am the proud parent of a teenager, Baby Bandit (named by Oldgirl LadyLee) or Man-Child as I like to call him. Being a mother is by far the hardest job ever but so worth it! As a mother, (well this mother) I know I am responsible for raising a respectful, productive member of society. Even though I have been a teacher for a few years, I have been his teacher since he entered this world!

Like most parents, I want him to have more and do more than I did as a child. Don't get it confused. He is not spoiled with material things. However, I try to give him experiences I think will make him a well rounded young man. He has participated in many sports over the years (soccer, t-ball, baseball, basketball, football, and track). Basketball and football has been the main staples for him. He is on his school's football, basketball, and track team. As much as he loves sports, he is more of a smart kid. The boy learned how to play chess at 4 or 5 years old by hanging out at the barber shop with his dad. I still do not know how to play. He excels in math. Many think it is because his momma is a math teacher, but he is definitely much more advance than I was at that age. That joker took AP Stats as an elective in high school. Who does that?
As a single mother, I am not alone with raising him. I am NOT a baby momma. I DON'T do all the baby momma drama. I have a good relationship with his dad. There are no bad feelings because we did not work out. I keep him informed on everything that goes on with Man-Child good or bad. I call and email all schedules and give him total access to his son. When he collided with another player and was rushed to the hospital, his dad was the first call I made in route. In addition, I make sure my son keep in contact with both sides of the family. Coming from a big family, I know the importance of family. When nobody else get you, they do.
Outside of his dad, I have plenty of friends who makes deposits into my son. Because I am not a man, I can't raise him to be a man, but I can raise him to be a good person and give him a woman's perspective on things. Since I am not a man, his male raising is handled by his dad, his biological and adopted (sorors' husbands) uncles, this mentor, his coaches, male teachers, and some of my male friends. I truly believe it takes a village!
Daughter: I am the oldest child and oldest granddaughter on my maternal side of the family. I am the typical oldest daughter. Growing up, all the housecleaning and babysitting were my responsibilities. I had the younger two so much that I was mistaken for a teenage mom all the time! They were the best birth control ever! My mom is still living but my dad passed away when I was a sophomore in college. I try to visit with my mom at least twice a year. Many years we get three or four times a year. Thanksgiving is a must. I have to go home or else! The other tradition we started is for her to spend New Year's here with me. Some times that does not happen but we try. I try to make it home during the summer or spring break but not both.
Sister: At this point, I have lived more years in a different city from my siblings than in the same one. As the oldest, I try to set an example and encourage them with however and whenever they need it. They know I am not going to sugarcoat anything. Um....that is not in my DNA! Like all sisters, we fight and make up but you better not mess with them! I am not having it! One of them lived here for a year but left when I gave her some tough love. I wished she would have stayed and stuck it out. However, I am still proud of her. She is going back to school next month to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse (just like our momma).
The baby girl is relocating here next week. That is going to be interesting. She is spoiled rotten! This move will grow her up definitely. I keep telling people you are not grown until you make it on your own! I hope I can guide her (when needed) without us killing each other! I definitely looking forward to strengthening our bond and spending time with my nephew.
The sister right under me called me on not mentioning her. Even though I told her I was giving her more print on Day 11. She was not having it! We call her Psycho. I think the name is self-explanatory. Many people see pictures of one of us and mistaken one for the other. We don't think we look that much alike but we have gotten it since we were little. I few months ago I had a picture of my 3 sisters and many people thought she was me. My current FB profile picture is of the two of us. Several people asked me if we are twins. We are not. I am almost 4 years older than her. As children, I do not think she liked me very much. I was a pretty good girl. In her eyes, I was too good. I think she made every effort to do and be exactly the opposite of me. Since we became mature adults, we have grown closer even with the 700 miles separating us. I look forward to spending time with her every time I go home!
I just noticed Day 11 is about the siblings. SOOOOOOOOOOO I will stop here.
Soror: For those who don't know, I am a proud member of the best sorority in the world Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. I pledged at Morris Brown College, GZ chapter. As a soror, I look at these ladies as real sisters. We motivate each other, hang out, support each other goals, cry, laugh and just being an all around sister to each other. I love these ladies. Our children call us aunties. We are one big family. We are active in our communities; keeping the true meaning of Delta in the forefront.
Gamma Zeta Spring 95 - Probate Night
Supporting my LS Darcova at her Book Signing Party |
GZ 2011 - Supporting our Sorors at St Mtn- Lithonia Step Show
Friend - Outside of my family and sorors, I still have a host of friends - female and male. For different people I am different things. If you think about it, we all have different roles with our friends. For some a am a confidant. They tell me their deepest feelings, share their worries and dreams. For others, I am the person they can just hang to do absolutely nothing. Then for others I am that dependable friend to do whatever they need me to do. If nothing else, I am a resource. If I can't do it or don't know the answer, I know someone to handle it.
Fellow teachers but more importantly friends |
Book club sisters and friends enjoying a Sunday afternoon |
Friends from all periods of life celebrating my birthday a couple of years ago -
Kim - childhood/neighborhood friend,
Eric- high school classmate
Rana - adult friendship/book club sister/FFF posse member
Katrina - Line sister 2 times over/college friend |
Celebrating Kim's birthday |
Book Club sisters in San Diego |
Teacher - I have officially been a teacher for 2 years but I feel like I have been a teacher my whole life. I taught dance classes from age 11 to 18, I was a math tutor in college, and I was the unofficial trainer at work for 2 different companies.
Becoming a teacher has been a lifelong dream. It just took me some time to get there. I am a high school math teacher. Currently, I am teaching ninth grade math. My students are hilarious. They keep me going all the time. I have developed more of a mother relationship with a good portion of them. I hear "Momma" all the time at school. I just finished earning my master's degree in Special Education. However, I don't think I will work exclusively with special education. Education has too much paperwork. Special education takes it to a whole 'nother level! Naw, I am good. You can give me some of the inclusion kids to teach, but you can keep the extra paperwork!
I know I love teaching because I am literally at the school 10-14 hours a day. Outside of teaching, I tutor my Einsteins, support them in their extra curricular activities (sports, band, chorus, etc) and I keep trying to find creative ways for them to learn and pass not only my class but others. I have literally made some stay after school to work on homework because I know they will not get it done at home.
So that is it! I know it is long. Hopefully you made it through this mini-book and learned something new about me.