Sunday, March 31, 2013

Purpose Driven Life - Day 3 What Drives My Life

Today I started to underline my nuggets. Now, I can go back and get the big ah ha moments, questions to ponder or sentences to meditate on. 

To answer today's question, I think most people would say my son is my driving force. To a certain extent that is true. However, I believe my driving force is to do better than the generation before me and to propel the next generation to go even further. 

I know I want my life to be purpose drive - guided, controlled, and directed by God. However, I don't know how to get to that place.

While reading the 5 common things that drive the average person's life, I realized most of them do not apply to me. A small part of me is driven by fear of failure and the need of approval. Unfortunately, I can see my fear of failure has manifested in my son. It has been a battle the last 2 years to break him from it. I tell him and have been telling myself, I have nothing to gain if I don't try. What's the worst that can happen? I think the need for approval is in all of us, whether its from our spouse or romantic interest, or friends, coworkers, family members, etc., we want their approval/acceptance.

The benefits of purpose driven living seems like a world of utopia. Does this activity help me fulfill one of God's purposes for my life? That one question eliminates all the extra, even the good extra. That one change in our mind set reduces/eliminates stress, fatigue and conflict. Who knew?

Some of my other nuggets:
- You become effective by being selective
- Without a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationships, churches, and other externals
- IF you want your life to have an impact, focus it! Prune away even good activities
- Never confuse activity with productivity
- Living to create a earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal. Build an eternal legacy.

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