Many people only want to celebrate the big things –
weddings, birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, etc. Birthdays and
anniversaries only come once a year. Weddings and graduations even less. So how
do you celebrate the “ordinary day”? Better yet, do you celebrate the ordinary
day? For those who do not know where to start, here are a few ways to get the
juices flowing.
Start a gratitude journal. Write down things you are
grateful for. It instantly is a mood booster. Take it a step further. Celebrate
it! For example, I am grateful for my friendships. Then celebrate it with
meeting for lunch, pedicure time, etc.
Another way to celebrate the little things is setting a goal
and then finding a creative way to celebrate. If you have a goal to lose
weight, break it into smaller goals. For instance, you want to lose 30 pounds.
When you lose 10 pounds, celebrate by buying a new outfit, go out dancing, do
something to celebrate reaching a milestone.
So find something to celebrate. I challenge you to write
down 5 things to celebrate.